
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:菲菲老师 更新时间:2019-09-23
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Abstract:English writer George Orwell’s Animal Farm is regarded as one of the 20th century. This story describes the incubation, emergence and final metamorphosis of an “animalistic” revolution. Orwell as a firm socialist, after the disillusionment brought by the Spanish civil war, with symbolism, the harsh criticism of Stalin’s totalitarian system trampled on socialist ideals. Animal Farm is a pretty good example. And in the Animal Farm, the author uses a lot of symbolism to make the theme of the works sublimate further. Therefore, this paper, taking animal manor as the corpus, tries to study this political fable novel from the point of view of symbolism. This paper analyzes the symbol of characters, the symbol of the scenes, and the symbol of objects. Combined with the background of writing, we can understand the purpose of symbolism, and conclude that symbolism plays a role in deepening the theme. The aim is to guide people to understand the true meaning of symbolism in literary works, and the essence of the greatest reduction of symbolism. To encourage readers to dig a new realm and new possibilities for the development of symbolism in China.

Key words:  Themes; Animal Farm;Symbolism









1 Introduction-1

1.1 Animal Farm and Orwell-1

1.2 Literature Review-1

1.2.1 Literature Review Abroad-2

1.2.2  Literature Review at Home-3

1.3 The Purpose and Significance of the Thesis-3

2 Theory of Symbolism-3

2.1 The Origin of Symbolism-7

2.2 The definition of symbolism-7

2.3 Significance of symbolism in literature-8

3. The Symbolic Element in Animal Farm-9

3.1 Symbol of Characters-9

3.1.1 symbol of the Pigs-9

3.1.2 Symbol of other Animals-13

3.2 Symbol of Scene-14

3.2.1 Symbol of the Farmhouse-15

3.2.2 Symbol of the Other Farms-15

3.2.3 Symbol of the Sugar Candy Mountain-16

3.3 Symbol of Objects-17

3.3.1 Symbol of the Slogans-17

3.3.2 Symbol of the Windmill-19

4 Function of Symbols in Animal Farm-20

4.1 Themes of Animal Farm-20

4.2 The Function of Deepening the Theme-21

5 Conclusion-23



上传会员 菲菲老师 对本文的描述:But shortly after the split of the pigs that led the revolution, a snowball of a pig was declared the enemy of the revolution. After that, Napoleon, who gained the leadership of the pig, had more and more power and more special treatment, an......
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