
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-09-01
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Abstract:Language is an important human means of communication. Teaching languages as vehicles for delivery information and feelings of both the teachers and students. Carefully designing classroom teaching language, is an important component of effective teaching. Teachers in the teaching process of education in the language can be flexibly applied to teaching, master of language standardization, the art of teaching, and will be able to make the teaching process for better, more pleasant, same time can play a good role in promoting. However, the reality in the cultivation of creative ability in mathematics in primary schools, many teachers in the classroom teaching the existence of stereotypes, single, overemphasis on the logic of language habit sometimes are the main obstacles hindering students active thinking. Primary school mathematics teaching under the new curriculum standard language, obviously should be changed. Based on this reason, this article on Pu'er Jiang Cheng countryside primary school mathematics teaching research explores the language use.

   In the author of this paper mainly through work experience, observed in the interviews of teaching, get information, combined with a large number of related reference reading experience, concluded that a certain amount of teaching methods and on the basis of experience complete. Paper's basic idea is: the disadvantages, in River City schools math classroom teaching on the basis of the existing, extension authors think that good teaching methods and language features that observation, the shortcomings experienced in language teaching, and suggested improvements. To "optimize" River City classroom language teaching of mathematics in primary schools in rural areas.

Keywords: Pu'er Jiang Cheng; Rural primary school; Mathematics teaching; Using language to study.


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:本论文主要通过作者见习中,访谈中观察到的一些教学现象,得到的一手资料,结合大量阅读相关参考文献的心得体会,得出一定的教学方法和经验总结的基础上完成的。论文的基本观......
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