
资料分类:美术论文 上传会员:武哥 更新时间:2016-01-13
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ABSTRACT:Along with the development of science and technology, a new breakthrough and printmaking, becoming diversification development. Digital prints as emerging things appear in inherited traditional printmaking, essence, and on the basis of its artistic language more need to extend ceaselessly and rich. With the development of print is the development of the printing and printing with the development of science and technology unceasing development and rapid development. Every time a new with the development of science and technology, and the relevant works “out of the bottle” with traditional printmaking artistic characteristics, Using image processing software and other new technology to carry on the practice and exploration, give full play to the imagination and creativity, make traditional printmaking rigmarole of computer and tools in rapid transformation, make work “out of the bottle” in the visual effect add infinite interest, achieve the expected purposes of writing.

Keywords: Digital print; Science and Technology development; Engraving; Tools ; Practice and Exploration

上传会员 武哥 对本文的描述:在创作过程中我用以往的表现形式进行会很吃力,也不一定能够达到预期的效果,然而融入数码版画的元素则有效的弥补了这一点。数码版画是采用喷绘的方法印刷出多份作品的版画,......
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