
资料分类:美术论文 上传会员:每日一篇 更新时间:2013-06-28
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   " Chinese recipes" will be the traditional blue and white porcelain craft and modern sculpture combination technique, application of high temperature in Jingdezhen under glaze color porcelain as the carrier, the things into art, this combination will burst out the different artistic spark. To inherit the traditional process, the new direction of innovation sculpture. In this way, the traditional art through5000 years of ancient civilization profound cultural background, strong local flavor, full-bodied artistic connotation and vivid historical traces. Display of Chinese traditional art long, deep, rich, it is the contemporary art creation and provide an inexhaustible source of nutrients and thought.

Keywords:  Blue and white porcelain; Craft tradition art ; Life 


上传会员 每日一篇 对本文的描述:传统艺术透着五千年文明古国深厚的文化底蕴、浓郁的乡土气息、醇厚的艺术内涵和生动的历史痕迹,展示着中国传统艺术的悠久、深厚、多姿,它能为当代艺术创作提供不竭的养分和......
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