
资料分类:美术论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-28
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Abstract:Throughout the history of Chinese painting, will find in wei-jin period - Chinese paintings from the basic morphological settled up until the song dynasty, Chinese painting composition form show is a "full" appearance. In the song dynasty is the node to after the opium war happened before, Chinese painting composition form appears is another face, namely the literati paintings advocate "parse" appearance. After the opium war until modern, Chinese painting composition form and by "parse" face is beginning to change as "full" appearance, the three historical stages of composition change, analyzes its the reason of its changes in my opinion is painter in certain age, the aesthetic orientation happened specific transformation, this change happened reason may be various, need me from background influence aesthetic orientation of the main causes on change, in order to demonstrate my point of view.

Keyword: full、sparse、composition


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:中国画的构图形式又由“疏”的面貌开始转变为“满”的面貌,这三个历史阶段的构图变化,分析其变化的原因在我看来是画家在特定的时代里,审美取向发生了特定的转变,这种转变......
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