
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-20
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摘要:自2006 年世界上第一个微博Twitter 问世已来,微博在世界范围内掀起了一阵热潮。随着用户数的不断增加,微博正不断向社会普及,微博在潜移默化中改变着信息传播的途径和人们使用媒体的习惯。微博是天然的电子商务平台,微博的低门槛、即时性、低成本、“裂变式”传播力正吸引着越来越多的电子商务企业入驻微博,电子商务进入了微博时代。



关键词 电子商务;微博;微博营销;常州


Abstract:Since 2006 the world's first micro-blog twitter founded, micro-blog has become a new trend around the world now. As the number of users is increasing, micro-blog has spread and fundamentally changed information dissemination and the way that media be used. Micro-blog is suitable for e-commerce.Its low threshold, immediacy, low cost, strong spread of power is attracting more and more e-commerce businesses. E-commerce has entered the era of micro-blog.

   Now only a few companies can run micro-blog marketing well and obvious benefit from it, most medium-sized and small e-commerce enterprises’ micro-blog business is ineffective. The reason is that most enterprises do not realize the location of micro-blog clearly and the construction of micro-blog is not ideal. 

   Based on the research of relevant literature, this paper discusses the characteristics and strengths of micro-blog, and analyses the reason why e-commerce enterprises carry out the micro-blog marketing. In addition, through studying typical marketing cases, this paper summarizes three modes of micro-blog marketing. At last, combined with the status of Changzhou regional e-commerce micro-blog marketing, this paper provides advices for Changzhou local e-commerce enterprises to construct micro-blogs.

Keywords  e-commerce  micro-blog  micro-blog marketing  Changzhou






上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:微博对于电子商务企业来说,与传统媒体相比有着诸多明显的优势,但在实际操作中仍然存在着许多难点,例如,如何更有效率地运营微博吸引关注,如何将粉丝转换为消费者。微博营......
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