
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-17
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关键词:温州模式 倒闭潮 融资难 资金链断裂


Abstract: This article “goes out of business the tide” from Wenzhou Small and medium-sized enterprise the angle of view embarks, “goes out of business tide” take Wenzhou Small and medium-sized enterprise the economic reason as well as to “goes out of business the tide” should to the countermeasure as the research aim.Embarks from the Wenzhou Small and medium-sized enterprise realistic question, the consult correlation statistics yearbook, visits Wenzhou many small and medium-sized enterprises on the spot, the collection correlation data and the material; To consults the collection the data and the material carries on the reorganization and the analysis; Finally has pointed proposed should “go out of business the tide” to Wenzhou Small and medium-sized enterprise the phenomenon countermeasure and the suggestion.

Key words: The Wenzhou Model ;Goes Out of Business the Tide;Finances Difficultly; Fund Chain Break




上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:以温州中小企业“倒闭潮”的经济学原因以及对“倒闭潮”的应对对策为研究目标。从温州中小企业现实问题出发,查阅相关统计年鉴,实地走访温州市多家中小企业,收集相关数据及......
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