
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-31
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关键词:  淮安   县域经济   SWOT分析   发展对策


Abstract: County economy is the foundation of the national economy, the development of county economy is directly related to the countries and regions of economic health, science and sustainable development. Huai'an belongs to one of the county underdeveloped areas, weak economic foundation and the low level of development, the development of county economy is facing many problems and challenges. This paper based on the current situation of economic development of Huai'an, adopting SWOT method, analysis of the Huai'an county economic development has the advantages and disadvantages, and facing opportunities and threats, and based on this, advances the play of comparative advantage, upgrading of the industrial structure, improve environment and the development of county economy featured brand such specific countermeasures to promote Huai'an county economy development.

Keywords:  Huai'an;  County economy;  SWOT analysis;  develop countermeasures




上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:由于淮安县域经济正处于经济增长方式转变以及经济社会结构转型的重要阶段,如何更好的把握县域经济的发展规律,更好地发展县域经济,成为值得长期探索的课题。......
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