
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-07
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关键词:竞争  品牌  塑造  模式


ABSTRACT:With the development of our economy, and China is accelerating the process of city construction, urban housing construction work are also increasingly hot, because China is the world's most populous country, demand for housing is more complex than in other countries, the important position of the real estate industry it is self-evident in economic construction.

   Today's urban housing mainly commercial housing, so that a large number of real estate development business emerge as the times require, and this year, the real estate industry contribution to the national GDP accounted for a large proportion in the gross national product of the middle, leading to the real estate sector is too hot, the mass inflow of funds into the real estate market the impact of the original, to some veteran real estate development enterprises; the market conditions, the enterprise brand is particularly important, only good brand, get the trust of consumers, especially as property as a relatively high value of the commodity, brand image and reputation can direct position and enterprise sales and industry, how to shape the brand image of enterprises engaged in real estate development good, is the primary problem to be solved in the market competition in most of the current real estate development enterprises.

   In this paper, in order to Xuyang estate as an example, research on the enterprises in brand building mode, hoping to other real estate development enterprises in shaping the real estate brand image to help, to be good in the market competition



上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文以旭阳地产为例,研究该企业在品牌塑造中的模式,希望能对其他广大的房地产开发企业塑造其地产品牌形象有所帮助,使其在市场竞争中得到良好的发展。......
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