
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-07
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关键词: 经营模式;SPA模式;营销渠道;服装零售市场;服装企业


ABSTRACT:Market economy continues to mature, consumer spending habits changed, under this background, the clothing retail industry business model increasingly rich. SPA marketing is a marketing model in recent years, some international famous natural fashionable leisure brand success. The origin of SPA is the rise of the symbolic consumption as the representative of postmodernism consumer behavior and life style segmentation based on. Its mode of operation is through the store design, build the service marketing concept; through face to face (factory - shop - customer) communication, establish a rapid response mechanism of brand management; through the shop as the core of the cost of Actuarial and production arrangements, effectively improve the management efficiency and reduce inventory, so as to expand the brand's value.

   This article from the comprehensive interpretation of SPA business model definition, analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the SPA model features have this mode. And the core idea of SPA mode operation. In order to UNIQLO as an example, the successful experience has reference summarize the mode of development. And in view of the present situation of domestic apparel retail industry, analyzes the feasibility of SPA management mode was carried out in our country, and points out that the domestic apparel retail enterprises need to focus on the development of content.

Keywords:Business model; SPA model; marketing channel; apparel retail market; clothing enterprises


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文将从全面解读SPA经营模式的含义,SPA模式的特点已经这种模式下它的利弊分析。以及SPA模式的经营的核心思想。以优衣库为例,总结此种模式发展至今可借鉴的成功经验。并针对目前国......
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