
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:我不是叫兽 更新时间:2014-03-15
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关键词:社会责任  信息披露  影响因素


Abstract: With the establishment and development of the market economy, the economy in our country has been gradually integrated into the world economy. In the process of integration, enterprises play an important role, and various enterprises have become China's and the world's economic pillar. Enterprises create huge social wealth. However, they have also caused many negative effects on society. The ecological environment has been seriously destroyed, the environment has been seriously polluted, employees’ rights and interests are not protected, consumers’ rights and interests have been infringed, and there are other serious problems. These problems make the eyes of the world focused on social responsibility. This paper first defines the content of information disclosure for the corporate social responsibility in China, analyzes the status quo and existing problems of information disclosure, makes clear influence factors of information disclosure, and finally puts forward series of policies of strengthening corporate social responsibility of information disclosure. 

Key words: Social responsibility; Information disclosure; Influence factors

上传会员 我不是叫兽 对本文的描述:根据目前我国的社会信息披露制度背景和社会责任会计发展所处的阶段,目前我国的社会责任信息披露以自愿性披露为主,更多还是依靠企业对社会责任履行和信息披露的自觉性。......
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