
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-11
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Abstract: Low carbon economy, for the protection of Wuxi, energy security, reduces carbon emissions and to optimize its economic structure is of great significance. Wuxi low carbon economy is facing major economic development and a serious conflict between the emission reduction targets, with coal as the main intense energy consumption, environmental carrying capacity is limited, the public platform for lack of participation in carbon reduction and other issues. Wuxi, the main path of the development of low-carbon economy: First, build low-carbon industrial system, abandon the developed countries, the industrial city of "treatment after pollution" of the old; the second is to develop clean energy, development of renewable economy; third is the protection and enhancement of forest and green space Resources to increase the carbon sink; fourth is to build a platform for individuals to buy carbon credits to achieve carbon-neutral individuals.

Keywords: Low Carbon Economy; Measures Of Development; WuXi

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:创建低碳城市已成为当前世界各地的追求目标,特别是以最小的代价促使经济发展。随着经济的全球化和一体化,无锡经济高速增长背后的资源和环境压力日益凸显,推行“低碳城市”......
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