
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-23
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摘  要:由于受原来的计划经济体制和苏联的教育体制与模式的影响,加上更深层次上我国文化传统的内在影响,我国的教育管理体制基本上是实行的政府直接管理、国家集中计划的体制。在现有的市场经济体制下,原来的教育管理体制已经不能满足和适应社会和经济的发展。


关键词:计划经济 教育 市场经济 教育产业化


ABSTRACT:Due to the influence of original planned economic system and Soviet Union’s education system and its modes,in addition the inherent effect of Chinese traditional culture,the education management system in our country basically executes government direct management and state centralized planning system.Under the current market economy system,the original education management system already can't satisfy the social and economic development.

    Problems of higher education concerns not only the foundation of a nation’s vigorous development,but also a people's livelihood issues for ordinary people.Report of the 17th national congress pointed out that the education,which is the leader of the six big society construction tasks for improving people's lives,was accounted for a considerable length and given high attention.In a market economy,the development of higher education industry can't act too hastily,or it would be ‘haste makes waste’.To develop higher education industry,we should resolutely opposed to develop the higher education industrialization and the behavior of using public education career to seek economic interests,try our best to protect the education investment from Treasury Department.

Keyword:planned economy;Education;Market economy;industrialization of education

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:教育全靠国家的财政投入似乎是非常困难的,不切实际的。因此,针对国家的实际情况,结合我国的基本国情,明确教育产业化的利弊,对于外国的教育经验我们应该取其精华去其糟粕......
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