
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-25
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关键词:重庆对外贸易 机遇 挑战 外贸依存度 对外贸易商品贸易结构


ABSTRCT:Chongqing is a historical and cultural city, it is one of the old industrial bases, and it is also the trade port of southwest of China. Chongqing is located in the end of the economic belt of The Changjiang River, it is the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir, and it is the water portal of passing in and out of the southwest of China. Also, the economic belt of The Changjiang River and the southwestern region are the regional axis of connecting East and West, transmitting to left and right. And Chongqing is the bridgehead of connecting the eastern, central and western. After reform and opening, Chongqing seized the opportunity, on the basis of open type, the great circulation type and the great market structure, developed the market system, forging ahead to the international metropolis target and step out of southwest and into the world and active in entering the international market. As all know, Chongqing’s economic has become increasingly open, so the foreign trade is an important part of Chongqing’s economic. This paper mainly analyzed the current situation of Chongqing’s foreign trade, summarized and concluded the existing problems in it, finally put forward to the policy and advice of solving the problems and promoting Chongqing’s foreign trade.

Keywords: Chongqing’s foreign trade;opportunity;challenge;foreign trade dependence rate;composition of foreign trade

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:重庆对外贸易中还存在着一系列不利因素,都严重制约着重庆对外贸易的发展。对外贸易是重庆市经济的重要组成部分,因此,对重庆对外贸易发展策略的研究,找出其中存在的问题并......
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