
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-25
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关键词:外国直接投资  东道国环境污染  投资流向 可持续发展  引资策略


ABSTRCT:Relationships of  foreign direct investment and hostenvironmental pollution has been a focus of debate. With our country's increasing emphasis on environmental issues, domestic scholars on foreign direct investment and the relationship between environmental pollution in China conducted a lot of research.

    This paper studies mainly through two perspectives on foreign direct investment and the relationship between the environment. The first point of view, research on environmental issues affecting the flow of foreign direct investment; another perspective, it is the study of foreign direct investment on environmental issues. Logically, foreign direct investment and environmental issues are mutually reinforcing, that environmental policy and environmental conditions can affect the location of foreign direct investment, and foreign direct investment Once inside, you will inevitably change the original environment.

Key words: Foreign direct investment;host environmental pollution ;Investment direction;sustainable development ;strategy of funds introduction

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:本文主要从外国直接投资的现状特点,以及对引资国环境产生的影响进行从宏观到具体的分析,然后再此基础上,结合所学的知识针对存在的问题提出适时策略。正视外国直接投资给引......
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