
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-25
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关键词:知识产权保护 出口贸易 贸易壁垒


ABSTRCT:This article refers to the protection of intellectual property rights refers to the various technical indicators as the representative and the provisions of the standard as the standard, the superfecial for the protection of their intellectual property is actually to protect their market share means, and behavior. In this paper, the China's foreign trade barriers encountered in the protection of intellectual property rights is mainly to our country encounters the EU and the United States "337 investigation" as the representative of the technical trade barriers for example. Analyzes the characteristics, the protection of intellectual property rights barriers to Chinese export trade encountered reasons and specific reflect, in order to find solutions to China's export trade encountered intellectual property protection method and path barriers. At the same time, can infer other things from one fact, by using the method of similar and unique innovation to protect our trade.

Key words: The protection of intellectual property rights; Export trade; Trade barrier

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:本课题的目的是为了分析和研究中国在对外贸易中遭遇的知识产权保护壁垒的实际例子,从中吸取经验,寻求教训,取长补短,以此来寻求完善和加强我国对外贸易中知识产权保护体系......
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