
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:li145533 更新时间:2014-06-21
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Abstract:As the trend of integration of world economy is improved constantly and the rapidly developing International cooperation, foreign direct investment has become one of the important factors of economic development in China. Foreign direct investment has raised the influence on China's economic development. On the one hand, foreign direct investment help solve the capital shortage, also bring the latest science and technology to us, broaden our vision. Yet on the other hand, it is threatening our environmental resource seriously, increasing environmental pollution and resource shortage. Poor air quality and water polluting are wide spread everywhere. The  worsening of present environment turns into a global highlight, gradually becoming an important factor in political and economic relationships among states. For now, the research on the effect of foreign direct investment is mainly divided into two parts of focuses, the first one is the negative effect of foreign direct investment, which indicates that foreign direct investment will bring negative effect on the environment of the host country, the second part, on the contrary, is that the environment of the host country will be improving. This dissertation will discuss the positive and negative effect of foreign direct investment on the host country, and the way to realize the harmony between foreign direct investment and the environment of the host country under the trend of economic globalization, based on theoretical research and centered on proofing evidence. It emphasizes the association under the cooperation of the government, enterprises , and the society, with multipronged approaches, in order to achieve the goal of establishing an environment-friendly society in China .

Keywords: FDI; host country; environment; economy; pollution

上传会员 li145533 对本文的描述:外资企业在环保方面良好的口碑和实力本应成为其竞争优势之一,但是进入中国之后不约而同的违背各自的环保标准,违反环保法规,很多都无法与其在本国工厂的环保措施相比较。我......
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