
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-13
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Abstract:Firstly, this thesis analyzes the status of AMD; and then discusses the advantage and disadvantage of AMD and its main products. Lastly, it presents the marketing stategy, the design of the network marketing strategy and the green marketing plan and so on according to the analysis of AMD.

   This thesis refers to ten-year operating status of AMD from 1998 to 2007 and its management examples. Through the elaborate analysis, the appropriate strategic planning and marketing strategy are presented for AMD. 

   Facing the biggest competitor Intel Corp, AMD doesn’t adopt the treaditional mode which inceases the AD promotion and exploits the new marketing places. Instead, it saves the capital to invest in its R&D and new Products. Finally, AMD wins this game and gets the growing profits consecutively by skill advantage and successful network marketting stategy.    

   The concept "green marketing" refers in the last part of the thesis is universal applicable for all firms of different lines including AMD.

Key words:  Economic scale advantage; Competive differences analysis; Green Marketing.

Key Words:Scale advantages;Differences analysis of competiveness;Green Marketing


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:文章参考了AMD企业自1998年至2007年近10年内的大量经营状况与管理实例,通过营销案例的分析,更深一步的了解了AMD企业的管理策略与经营理念。从而更好地来分析AMD企业自身的优势与劣......
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