
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-23
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关键词: 产业转型,金融创新,规划,经济发展


Abstract:The industry transformation is to point to a country or region in a certain historical period. According to the international and domestic economy. Science and technology development and the current trend,through specific financial policies. The measures of the existing industrial structure adjustment of directly or indirectly .In foshan .mian industry upgrade by the previous high pollution and high emissions into the heavy industry with high and new technology. As the leading of the third industry .The industry transition is a process, foshan industry transformation have only just begun to. So, as the core industry of the financial industry in FoShan, promote economic industry played  what kind of role in foshan upgrade and development? This paper will firstly be fromed domestic and foreign economic background of industry transformation  inside or outside around the  foshan city, the development, the innovation of the financial industry in foshan needs analysis, according to the content of the required on the three economic industry for the design and planning, which make the financial innovative concept really using in  the economy to foshan industry transformation .

Key Words: industry transformation, financial innovation, economic growth,projecting




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:通过这次佛山经济产业转型的研究以及金融创新对佛山在经济改革上的分析,总结出以下几点关键信息:经济产业转型需要结合实际情况加以分析处理;产业升级转型过程中要注重人与......
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