
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-18
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关键词:民营企业  人力资源  激励机制  激励体系


Abstract:Account for a large market share in the new era of the twenty-first century, the knowledge economy. Competitiveness and economic strength of the determination of the private enterprises gradually shift from physical capital to human capital, the reserves of talent and development potential of the enterprise economic development boost power, is to ensure that an important part of the competitiveness of enterprises. The incentive mechanism is the core content of the human resource management, private enterprises in the implementation of effective management, the need to fully study the good incentives, attention to the role of incentives, at the same time to find and solve the shortcomings of the current incentive mechanism, improve the incentive system, through a variety of reforms, innovative means to enhance the competitive advantage of private enterprises in the market.

Key Words:Private Enterprises  Human Resources  Incentives  Incentive system




上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:激励机制是人力资源管理的核心内容,民营企业在实行有效的管理中,需要充分研究好激励机制,重视激励的作用,同时发现并解决目前激励机制的缺点,完善激励体系,通过种种改革......
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