
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-27
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Abstract:Today, in the Socialist market economy,the transformation of social structure and the economic resuffling are intertwind,and lifestyle and values have shifted already.At the same time,the gap between the rich and the poor is widening,and social risks and insecurity is enhancing.As an important part of social security,Charity plays an irreplaceable role in terms of political,economic,cultural.But in the process of developing, various adverse events emerge,and problems of charity continue to highlight in China, particularly the lack of credibility problems. The lack of  credibility of charity organization is mainly shown in two aspects.Form the external of charity organization, because the charity is difficult to get legal status ,which leads to lower social trust, and the government management’s offside and absence, make the development of charity career lack a good social environment; From itself to see, because the charity's non-profit and our social charity’s insufficiency, make the charity's human and material resources relatively insufficient and  lack of standardized organization operation.According to these reasons, to improve our charity organization’s credibility, not only to enhance the social charity, the government should also perfect the relevant laws and regulations, what’s more important, charity organization itself need to improve the operation mechanism, so as to form the management system.

Key words:charity organization, Credibility,Tips




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:我国慈善组织公信力缺失主要表现两个方面,从慈善组织外部来看,由于慈善组织难以获得合法地位导致社会信任度比较低,加之政府的管理越位和缺位,使得慈善事业的发展缺少一个......
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