
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-27
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Abstract:The current development of Chinese non-governmental charitable organization is difficult to survive in the existing social system. However, non-governmental charitable organization is an indispensable part of our society. So, how to understand the difficulties encountered and countermeasures to solve these problems in the non-governmental charitable organization and its development, we should be to explore the topic. At present, China's non-governmental charitable organization has small-scale features, struggle on the road to development. Mainly because of the demanding registration and management system, "bureaucratic" operation, "officials with" tendencies, lack of charity legislation system, lack of fiscal support system and other factors. Only through the conversion of government functions, and internal financial disclosure transparency, and improve the special regulations of the charity, charity toward the legal system, to pay attention to the media guiding force, the formation of the atmosphere to the whole society to participate in the development of non-governmental charitable organizations difficulties to be resolved period gradually out of a road of healthy development.

Key words: non-governmental Charitable organizations, the difficulties, countermeasures





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:中国民间慈善组织在不断的产生和发展,但是学术界对于民间慈善组织还没有给予应有的关注。对于慈善组织的研究比较少,很多是从慈善组织的正面进行论述。本文试图对民间慈善组......
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