
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:自由猫 更新时间:2014-01-22
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关键字:“官博”;意见群体; 官媒联动;


Abstract:By means of analyzing the informational gate keeping,the contrast of communicator and audience,the agenda setting and characteristics of user group of microblog as "Weibo" in China ,this article aims to discuss how to write the "officialblogging",how to improve the management of "officialblogging" and how to expand the influence for the government. In regard of using microblog to guid microblogging opions in public events,this article suggests that "officialblogging" take the advice of opinion leader'ID,fans'ID and medias'ID in order of improving the repulation of goverment and changing the relation between government and citizens.

Key Words:"officialblogging" ;The deliberating group;The connection of government and media





上传会员 自由猫 对本文的描述:探究微博作为新媒体的所具有的传播特性,旨在于讨论政府如何在微博的新型话语空间中写好“官博”,改进“官博”的管理,提高“官博”的影响力,如何在公共事件发生后利用“官......
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