
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:自由猫 更新时间:2014-01-22
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关键词:BBC; 改编影视剧; 特点; 经久不衰; 发展方向


Abstract:TV drama adaptations from the classic literary works of the British Broadcasting Corporation in the audience enjoy a high reputation, then this article discusses the characteristics of the BBC adapted shows from the classics, the reasons of leading contemporary TV dramas in such intense competition, the problems in the process of development and the future direction or development of films and television dramas of BBC, to state the survival condition of TV dramas of BBC classics adaptations. At the same time, through the comparison between the styles of the BBC TV dramas and the ways of American or Chinese adaptations from classic literary, I hope this article can also provide some meaningful reference to the basis for Chinese adapted films and television shows from the classical novels which has become a trend in recent years.

Key words: BBC; adapted films and televisions; characteristics; enduring; directions of development




上传会员 自由猫 对本文的描述:本文通过对BBC翻拍名著的特点、在当代激烈影视剧竞争中处于领先地位的原因、在发展中还存在的问题和BBC未来影视剧发展方向诸方面加以分析,以论述BBC的经典改编影视剧的生存状态......
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