
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:自由猫 更新时间:2014-01-22
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【摘 要】在全民参与微博的热潮之下,微博正以一种改革的姿态影响着人类的各个方面。本文试图以麦克卢汉新媒体“反环境”的思想为先导,对微博的环境“重塑”功能进行一番本体论的思考。本文分为四个部分,第一部分分析了微博对传统媒体的超越,它改变了人与媒体的对立关系;第二部分主要论述了微博对社会环境、舆论环境和传播环境这三种环境的重塑;第三部分则是分析微博具有环境“重塑”功能的原因,强调了微博作为新媒体的“反环境”的特点;第四部分着重阐述微博对人的本体性的还原,强调了媒介对人的作用。



ABSTRACT:Under universal participation in the craze of micro-blog, micro-blog affects all aspects of human by a gesture of reform. This paper attempts to do some ontological thinking about the environment- remodeling- function of Micro-blog , by Mcluhan’s anti-environmental ideology of new media as the guider. This paper is broadly divided into four parts. The first part analyses micro-blog’s advantages beyond  the traditional media, it has changed the oppose relationship of people and media; The second part discusses  micro-blog ’s reshaping of social environment, public opinion environment and communication environment. The third part analyses the reason of micro-blog’s environment remodeling function, emphasizing the characteristics of micro-blog, as a new media; The fourth part focuses on micro-blog’s reduction of ontology, and emphasize media’s influence on people.

KEY WORDS:Micro-blog; Environment Remodeling; New Media; Mcluhan


上传会员 自由猫 对本文的描述:本文分为四个部分,第一部分分析了微博对传统媒体的超越,它改变了人与媒体的对立关系;第二部分主要论述了微博对社会环境、舆论环境和传播环境这三种环境的重塑;第三部分则......
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