
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-28
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关键词:社会工作 民间社会服务机构 问题 对策


Abstract: Thirty years of reform and opening up, has undergone tremendous change of environment at home and abroad.we are experiencing unprecedented changes.. In the era of great changes, people's material life and spiritual life quality gradually improved, the construction of a harmonious society of Chinese people has entered a good period of development. However, due to the expansion of the gap between rich and poor, complex and diverse factors such as social problems, social stability is facing challenges. With the deepening contradiction between social service demand growth and limited government welfare, civil social work organizations increasingly emerge as the times require. As social work started late in China, its process of localization and occupation of the difficulties, and restricted domestic environment system, the service of civil society organizations in under the guidance of the concept of the social work are facing opportunities and challenges coexist. There are so many import subjects that the grass-roots civil social work organizations need to consider.For instance, how to gain a firm foothold in the new domestic environment, how to seek its long-term development, professional idea how to implement social work and how to promote the quality of life of the people.

Key words: Social Work  Civil Social Work Organizations  Problems  Contermeasures






上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:社会工作的理论研究与社会工作实务的发展紧密相关。对专业社会工作机构发展状况的探究,不仅有利于社会工作专业原有理论的检验,也有利于社会工作新理论的挖掘,从而在整体上......
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