
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-28
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关键词:女大学生; 就业困境; 社会性别; 职业生涯规划


Abstract: Employment is an important performance of the individual value realization, is about an important part of the national economic development. As university graduates quantity climbs year after year of female college students employment problems have become increasingly prominent. Gained the equality of the female college students in the education, are encountered the unfair treatment of after graduation. Female college students how to improve the efficient allocation of human resources, how to give full play to the social effects of female college students, is a matter of higher educators in China development prospect of the major topics. Through further study of female university students' employment difficulties, find new problems, seek new solutions, in order to alleviate the pressure of the female university students' employment, promote its development better. Under the perspective of social gender theory, this paper focusing on career planning, from research to the present conditions of female college students employment difficulties, to explore the reasons and put forward the feasibility of the scheme, to solve the problem of female college students employment difficult to provide rich practical theory reference.

Key words: Female college students, Employment difficulties, Gender, Career planning




上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:本文通过对最近几年女大学生就业问题的了解、分析,提出四个方面的可行性建议,为促进女大学生资源的合理分配与利用,缓解女大学生就业压力,提升女大学生规划意识,推动社会......
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