
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-01
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关键词:智残者 生态系统 生存状态 反思


Abstract:  With the changes and development of our country and social system, the problem about the disabled is becoming incisive and obvious. The disabled are the group of most problems among Chinese vulnerable groups who are always at the bottom of the society. With the development 0f economy and the progress of society and gap of wealth becoming huge, it becomes more and more difficult for disabled people to keep a foothold in the society which is more distinct in rural areas. The disabled need special support and help from government and all walks of life in society. This paper focuses on the observation of mental disabled people’s living conditions in a rural area of northern Jiang Su based on the theory of social ecosystem. It reflects general living conditions of the disabled and analyzes social support to them, thus probe into intervene strategy from all systems. It hopes to find out the most pressing problems of the disabled in China and find effective ways to solve these problems.

Key words: mental disabled people, ecosystem, survival conditions, introspection.



上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:通过对本文案主的生存状态的观察表述,可以看出,在中国农村,残疾人这类群体的生存状态堪忧,存在着各种各样的问题。而从残障人士的社会支持网络来看,家庭承担着不可取代的......
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