
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:pengfan 更新时间:2014-04-06
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摘要  在突发性公共危机事件的应对中,媒体的舆论引导扮演着重要的角色,本文以菲律宾人质事件为例,分析媒体在突发事件,尤其是“人祸”中的舆论引导作用,从有效应时该类事件的角度,讨论了媒体舆论引导的主要职责,并对媒体在事件中如何提高舆论引导能力提出了建议。

关键词:媒体; 突发事件; 舆论引导; 人质事件


Abstract:Sudden crisis in response to the public, the media, public opinion plays an important role in guiding this paper the Philippines hostage incident as an example of the media in emergencies, especially "man-made"in the media guide, should be from the effective When the angle of such cases are discussed to guide public opinion, the main responsibilities of the media, and the media, public opinion in the event guide on how to improve the ability to put forward.

Key words:Miedia; Burst events; Guidance of public opinion; Hostage events

上传会员 pengfan 对本文的描述:由于公共突发危机事件的无法预知或者说是无法准确预知,使得事件具有明显的突发性特征。那么,由事件本身产生的事件信息,也就具有了突发性的特征。菲律宾人质事件在一瞬间突......
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