
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-30
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关键词:人民调解 社会工作方法 社会纠纷


ABSTRACT:People's mediation is the mediation’s statutory activities of folk forms. It is has played an important role to resolve disputes, prevent disputes and reduce litigation and maintaining social .stability . Into the 20th century, 90 years later, its role is declining with the socialist market economic system to determine its role declining.Social work method which is applicable to this new way of people's mediation has become increasingly perfect, and the formation become a trend.Methods of Social Work in people's mediation system in the country have different levels of use, but no specific mediation committees to conduct special training and teaching.That social work methods can not be applied to the timely and effective social disputes, resulting in people's mediation raw sclerosis.

  This article is based on the people's mediation work processes, work methods explain social processes in people's mediation skills and be able to use this approach to bring about change, while working directly for the three methods of social work practice about people's mediation on these three working methods applied.Also analyzed the new direction for future people's mediation, and the integration of social work methods to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of people's mediation provides a reasonable way.

Keywords:people's mediation,social work method, social disputes

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:社会工作方法能否与人民调解过程相契合?人民调解中是否能够合理运用社会工作方法?现实情况中,社会工作方法与人民调解方法之间是如何相协调,相互作用的?笔者拟对人民调解......
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