
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-22
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关键词:同性恋; 华语电影; 潜传播; 画面语言


Abstract:As the attitude to the homosexuality has changed to light,  the development of the homosexual Chinese-language movies also experienced three stages of development: from aphasia condition to the rapid development, then to the fashionable element. The homosexual Chinese-language movies express the homosexuality by scene-language with different form, as the obscure form in the Wedding Banquet and the Farewell to My Concubine, the directive form in the East Palace West Palace and the real love in the Lan yu. Finally based on the analysis of the Chinese movie of the gay dive to spread gay community and society the profound influence which produces, and on the basis of the obtained a discourse on gay way., the expression of the homosexuality by the homosexual Chinese-language movies has a deep influence. Thus homosexuality has been established as a mode of discourse in Chinese-language movies.

Key words:homosexuality; Chinese-language movies; latent spread; frame language

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:本文所称的同性恋电影指的是把同性恋作为重要剧情或者明确以同性恋为主题的电影,即所称的严格意义上的同性恋电影,而不包含所谓的“亚文本”或者“隐秘文本”,即不包括以同......
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