
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-22
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Abstract:Summarize the experience of the Academy Awards, mainly are the audio-visual recreational and comprehensive functions , in specific analysis on the generalization, especially choose the nearly five years of the oscars for example . In the theme of audio-visual rendering, the describe in this article started with stage design, lighting applications,background music,performing arts and cultural performances. In addition,  as it is the traditional key elements of the feast, Oscar's internal culture, such as its' grieve over the film makers who are passing in the last year and in TV technology to the concern of the audience and so on, these are very important part of the audio-visual content in the spirit . How to show the television awards show, as well as how to grasp the inner spirit to implement an audio-visual show, the Oscar's answer to these two issues, may provide a reference for the future development of China's television awards TV show. 

Key words: academy awards   ;  the  oscar  ;  audio-visual effect

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:本文拟就以久负盛名的奥斯卡金像奖颁奖晚会为例,讨论电视颁奖晚会所应具备的必要的娱乐视听因素以及它们应该被如何呈现出来.表现在颁奖晚会中的视听呈现,特别当它还是以电视......
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