
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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关键词:大学生   就业焦虑  焦虑调查  解决措施


ABSTRACT:Under the severe employment situation, contemporary college students is laden with heavy employment pressure, some students even appeared psychological problems such as anxiety, psychological collapse or suicide, for employment anxiety, moderate anxiety has incentive effect, employment can motivate students to improve efficiency, better learning and working. But serious employment anxiety influence students' physical and mental health, so it should be valued.

   Based on the questionnaire of anxiety of university students' employment survey, it  has carried on the investigation to 184 students in our school, the content of the questionnaire design include: worries about employment, anxiety, and expectations of employment guidance and so on three aspects. Results showed: employment anxiety exist, professional differences, gender differences, grades differences and the differences between students, it also reflects the overall employment anxiety status quo of the students in our school, according to the survey ,the author analyzes and sums up the difference reasons of anxiety. Finally, put forward a series of countermeasures from the perspective of social work.

Keywords : University students;employment anxiety;anxiety research;solutions

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:在这种激烈的就业环境中,昔日贵为“天之骄子”的大学生,也有就业压力并面临着就业难的问题,从而会产生各种各样的消极情绪,就业焦虑便是其中的一种。这种就业焦虑对大学毕......
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