
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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关键词:大学新生  适应  成长小组  方案设计  反思


ABSTRACT:High school students entering the university, to the new school life during this period of life for the newborn is in the process of a major turning point. Freshmen will face from the environment, interpersonal, academic pressure caused by a psychological process of change. The new campus is to bring newborn strangeness, unfamiliar students to bring new life is the sense of alienation and self-learning university freshmen are learning to bring a sense of pressure. This is the freshmen adapt to college life on a range of issues arising, Freshmen Problem is, in short, after high school to university, and the surrounding learning and living environment suited, uncoordinated, whereby the cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of the emergence of a confused, confusion and anxiety.

   The research is based on group work theory, the growth of university freshmen team for group adaptive design. And by carrying out appropriate group activities to lead freshmen familiar campus, the use of peer support groups to expand the nascent social circle, and then use the power to encourage seniors to find a suitable way to learn new life. And by "Freshmen growing group" practical application, but also to explore the freshmen group work in addressing adaptation issues in the role, so that college freshmen in their ability to enhance the growth of the group, to better adapt to college life and learning.

Keywords:Freshmen;adaptation; growth group;project design;reflection

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:所谓大学新生适应就是指顺利经过高考并被高等院校录取进入大学阶段进行专业学习的大学新生完成由高中生到大学生角色转变,并顺利实现新环境融入的过程。由初入象牙塔,开始面......
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