
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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关键词:酒瘾    戒酒    团体治疗


ABSTRACT:Alcoholism is a social problem, he caused a wide attention around the world. The dangers of alcohol also brought many at the same time, to individuals, families, society has caused the very big bad consequences and influence. Alcoholism is difficult to quit, now only rely on drug therapy and hospitalization was not well solve the problem of alcoholism. Alcoholism patients have more need of psychological treatment, alcoholism patients psychological full of negative emotion, low self-esteem, despair, pain, anxiety, fear, depression and so on to patients with alcoholism. 

   Through interviews and group therapy, let patients know what alcohol is, how to form, what kind of hazards and consequences brought us. In group therapy between the members care about each other, mutual supervision, mutual support, mutual help to help themselves and others to solve the problem of alcoholism. Group therapy, they are full of good expectation for the future and look forward to and care for each other between members, each other containing, not firm faith in the process of drinking, share experiences and succeed, between them unconditionally to help any one want to give up drinking. 

Keywords:Alcoholism;  Give up drinking; Group therapy

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:关于对酒瘾的研究探索的意义:(1)让酒瘾患者深刻了解酒瘾的危害,能够有戒酒的愿望,消除酒瘾的痛苦,养成健康的社会习惯,并指导人们如何正确对待酒瘾和预防酒瘾;(2)对个人来......
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