
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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关键词:社会工作   农村社会发展   必要性   可行性


ABSTRACT:As China's economic and social development, rural society presents many new problems, such as backward rural spiritual civilization, social order is not stable, degree of modernization development slow, disasters cause social instability, not guaranteed of the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, social management concepts backward, and only rely on conventional policy guiding, mediation system, such as legal has insufficient to effectively solve these new problems in the new era. Social work philosophy and methods in improving the livelihood of the people and solve many problems in the current social development, promote social harmonious development, etc, has a unique advantage and can play an important role in promoting rural social development. This paper mainly discusses the necessity and feasibility of the social work intervention in rural social development. Necessity is reflected in helps to solve a specific time, specific policies caused new problems, and help to safeguard the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, help to create a service-oriented basic-level organization, innovation contributes to social work theory and practice, etc. Its feasibility embodies in the scientific theoretical basis, good expanding national policy support, personnel, progress of rural development, etc.

Keywords:Social work; The rural social development; necessity; feasibility

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:对于农村社会发展中所存在的问题做了一定的探讨与研究并提出了相应的对策,对社会工作方法能更好地运用于农村社会建设提供了很好的参考与借鉴。就现实而言,农村社会发展中除......
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