
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:橙子 更新时间:2014-12-05
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摘 要:我国国企薪酬制度改革经历了漫长的历史过程,其相比其他薪酬制度更加具有竞争力,对企业内部也能激发员工工作积极性、增强企业凝聚力、提高员工的工作效率。但就我国国企薪酬制度的现状而言在岗位评价、绩效考核体系、员工薪酬分配的公平性与员工晋升路径等方面还存在一些亟待解决的问题。本文认为可以用建立合理有效的岗位评价体系与绩效考核体系、优化薪酬结构、对管理岗位实行竞聘上岗等对策来完善我国国企薪酬制度。



Abstract:State-owned enterprises salary system reform in China has experienced a long historical process, the more competitive than any other compensation system, to the enterprise interior also can stimulate staff's work enthusiasm, the enhancement enterprise cohesion, improve employee's work efficiency. But in terms of the present situation of our state-owned enterprises salary system in the post evaluation, performance appraisal system, employee salary allocation fairness and staff promotion path also exists some problems that need to be addressed. This paper argues that can be used to establish reasonable and effective system of post evaluation and performance appraisal system, optimize the structure of compensation, implements hired for management jobs such as countermeasures to perfect the system of state compensation in our country.

Key Words: the state-owned enterprise; salary system; problem; solution

上传会员 橙子 对本文的描述:薪酬制度是薪酬管理的主要内容,是贯彻薪酬战略、实现薪酬目标的组织框架结构,如何设计有效的薪酬制度是当今从事薪酬设计人员的重要任务。因此,对于国有企业来说,薪酬制度......
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