
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:小九 更新时间:2017-03-15
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Abstract: Neozoic employees enter the workface in quick succession and have become the main force of enterprise’s development. They have many different qualities from the staff of Sixties and Seventies, such as more rich knowledge, more diverse values and stronger desire for high-paying jobs, etc, which brings great challenges to the current enterprise’s management.  Actually, many enterprises’ management system has carried out rigidly for years without any changes, which has caused a lot of problems on managing these Neozoic employees. In order to have more efficient management on these employees, enterprises must do some research and analyze the employees’ characteristics, and improve their employment system, training system, performance system and salary system. Only in this way, can they understand the Neozoic employees’ characteristics and develop modern and effective management system.


Key Words: neozoic employees; characteristic; business management

上传会员 小九 对本文的描述:在这个信息化高速发展的时代背景下,“新生代”员工接触到的知识、信息、技术等日新月异,这让他们每天都处于学习和接受新事物当中。为了不被自己的工作岗位甚至是整个社会淘......
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