
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:小九 更新时间:2017-03-15
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Abstract: Work alienation refers to the work environment can't satisfy the deviation or expected of employees caused by too much work. Psychological state. Work alienation reasons which are the personality characteristics of employees, but also influenced by job characteristics, leadership management, social culture and organizational structure, directly reduce the employee job involvement, organizational commitment, occupation commitment, job satisfaction. Therefore, the individual must be properly attributed from the society; management need to create conditions to improve the independence and control staff; organizations should create a people-oriented corporate culture and joy comfortable working atmosphere.


Key Words: Organizational identification;Autonomy ;Job involvement

上传会员 小九 对本文的描述:每一个企业都有很多不同的职位组成,每一个职位都需要有人,那为什么有的企业总是在不停的招人,而有的企业却能让员工长久为其工作,甘之如饴。为什么员工会对工作存在疏离感......
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