
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:每日一篇 更新时间:2013-06-29
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  Political news is the important part of the media, the present stage of our country is in the key period of new rural construction, farmer rights discourse is crucial, but long-term since farmers' voice in deficiency, farmers in the media aphasia phenomenon is serious, so the reconstruction of farmers in political news discourse power must be put under. For the farmers in the current political news reporting in aphasia cases, analyze the reasons put forward reconstruction of aphasia, political news discourse right countermeasures of farmers. Make people realize the necessity of strengthening the farmers' right to speak, let the media, government, farmer (oneself ) to recognize in political reports in reconstruction of farmers' right to speak of their endeavors, is constructs the socialism harmonious society the important measure.

Key words: News; farmer; discourse power; flaw; reconstruction


上传会员 每日一篇 对本文的描述:针对农民在时政新闻报道中的失语情况,剖析其失语原因,提出重建时政新闻报道中农民话语权的对策。使人们认识到加强农民话语权的必要性,让媒体、政府、农民(自己)认识到在......
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