
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-17
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Abstract:Truth is a documentary nature, Is the life of the documentary, Is a feature documentary in the creative process can not be ignored. About the authenticity of the documentary,Lumiere's first documentary film from 1895 "factory gate" birth, Has been debated. Always in the process of constant development, the documentary presents different characteristics, Although many scholars have different views on the criteria of documentary authenticity, All documentary has never stopped, the footsteps of the authenticity of the pursuit of,The real creative approach of the documentary are constantly enriched. “Distant family - the winter of Chinese migrant workers "is a documentary to reflect the reality of social phenomena,It moved the audience with a simple content, To tell a story with a long lens,Paralanguage convey the thoughts and feelings, Montage to the performance of artistic value. Following through the use of the lens, then the picture of the creative group, the sound and picture analysis of the relationship, To analyze the performance of real film.

Keywords: True; Migrant workers; Tracking shot; long shot; commentary; Paralanguage




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:纪录片承载着传递历史与人文价值的社会功能,它不仅为人们开启一扇认识世界的窗口,也为后人留下一份影像资料。真实性是纪录片的生命,是纪录片的灵魂。在纪录片创作中,纪录......
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