
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-17
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Abstract:Naxi dongba culture is the outstanding culture, which is facing the crisis of fault, the traditional communications and the inheritance pattern has not satisfy the current situation. Along with the progress of science and technology, new media technology matures, become the spread of cultural heritage and a new model. Dongba culture with its own characteristics also using new media technology to spread and the inheritance requirements. Dongba culture inheritance is mainly through the form of man-to-man, transmission is based on ethnic folk activities. Since the 1880 s, dongba culture spreading inheritance has acquired some achievements, and spread of the present situation of inheritance also reflect original way out some shortage. Using the Internet, mobile phones, digital TV and other new media technology to dongba culture spread and the inheritance is the answer to that one way. And the combination of the two is also in the new media age dongba culture development of a key road. 

Keywords: New media;Dongba culture; Dissemination; inheritance





上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:在我们担心东巴文化会逐步消亡的同时,我们也看到了这几年东巴文化的拯救工作已经有了巨大的进步,越来多的人知道了这项文化,越来越多的人参与到了文化拯救中,也有越来越多......
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