
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-16
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摘要:随着我国改革开放的不断推进和纵深发展,越来越多的农村剩余劳动力流动到城市,追寻自己的致富梦。同时,越来越多的外来务工人员将子女带到城市,这些跟随父母进入城市学习和生活的外来务工人员子女称之为流动儿童。 流动儿童进入城市后,由于身份背景、成长环境、心理调试、教育方式、语言沟通等方面的存在差异,在融入城市这个场域时遇到许多困难。流动儿童在与城市生活融合过程中,遇到挫折,很容易陷入自我封闭状态,严重影响流动儿童身心全面发展,影响社会的和谐和稳定。




Abstract:With China's reform and opening up constantly advancing and the depth of development, more and more rural surplus labor flow to the city, to pursue his dream of getting rich. At the same time, more and more foreign workers will children brought to the city, these follow their parents to enter the city life and learning for children of migrant workers called the floating children. Migrant children into the city, as the background, growing environment, psychology, education, communication and other aspects of the differences in the field, into the city encountered many difficulties when. Floating children in city and the fusion process, encountered setbacks, it is easy to fall into a closed condition, serious influence the flow of the comprehensive child development, affecting social harmony and stability.

   Social work, adhere to the people-oriented, help to promote human development concept, the full potential for the purpose, in under the guidance of scientific theory, the use of scientific methods, to provide for human to help service. The floating children city integration difficulties, try to use different methods of social work, such as case, group, community, social administrative method, promote the flow children's identity, economic, social and cultural integration, as well as the floating children behavior adaptation, promote the flow of children body and mind development.

Key words: social work,;migrant children; city fusion;comprehensive development





上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文对于流动儿童城市融合的研究,大体分成了流动儿童城市融入与城市居民接纳流动儿童两个方向,相对于现在学术界在处理流动儿童问题的方法上,本文考虑到社会工作者还不能够......
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