
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-20
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ABSTRACT:The modern era, human resources management in enterprises play an increasingly important role, and corporate training is an important part of human resource management, because the training is required enterprises to implement human resources development strategy is an effective means is to promote competitive advantage of the power source and effective measures. At present, China's enterprises training and development is relatively slow, small and medium enterprises in the fierce competition in the market is relatively weak position, training failed to play its due role. Corporate staff training, should be able to directly improve staff skills and provide enterprises with new working ideas, information and skills, while enhancing staff's professionalism and innovative spirit, so training management is particularly important. We should attach great importance to training management, increase investment in human capital, strengthen human resource development.    Thus, this paper aims to study the management of SME training problems and countermeasures, of course, different industries, the nature of the enterprise training management may differ, but the manner and purpose of training management broadly similar, are for the enterprise own train high-quality personnel, improve work efficiency and reduce costs. At present, China's small and medium enterprises employee training management is still in its infancy, but also failed to establish a sound training system, far short of their own development and competition. Therefore, this paper mainly for SMEs training management situation and existing problems, integrate theory with practice, to LD's case study analysis, advanced management concepts and improved training measures.

Keywords: Small and medium-sized enterprises; Training management; Countermeasure




上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:企业应用先进的培训管理理念,可以提升员工的价值观,培养严谨的工作态度,在强大的凝聚力作用下充分利用人力资源的潜能,让企业与员工达到双赢的效果。因此,本研究着重于分......
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