
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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[摘  要]   合作学习是新课改提倡的重要学习方式,已成为课堂教学的重要手段,是师生、生生之间合作学习、情感交流的重要途径。本文结合实习期间在实习学校所听研讨课及指导老师的平时课,作为课例来源加以研究,通过观察、分析数学课堂中进行的合作学习主要存在如下问题:1.合作学习流于形式2.合作学习中缺乏合理角色分配3.合作学习中忽视过程4.学生缺乏合作意识5.小组汇报形式化。针对以上问题提出了如下策略:1.教师应适时参与小组讨论,了解合作情况2.小组内成员角色的分配应根据情况轮流3.教师应树立正确的观念 4.合作学习前应重视学生合作技能的训练5.采用多样化的小组汇报方式,调动学生积极性。 

[关键字]  小学数学课堂;合作学习;问题;对策。


[Abstract]  The important learning promoted in the new curriculum is cooperative learning that has become an important mean of classroom teaching .The cooperative learning is also an important mean of emotional communication for teachers and students. In this paper, seminar Lessons and the instructor’s usual courses of practice school are lesson sources to be studied. Through observation, analysis of cooperative learning in the mathematics classroom, it concludes that cooperative learning has the following problems: 1. A mere formality; 2. Lack of reasonable rules; 3. Ignore the process; 4. Students are not good at cooperation; 5.a single form of group reporting and so on. Proposed the following strategies to solve the above problems: 1. The teachers should be timely to participate in panel discussions to master the situation of cooperation; 2. The roles within the group should be taken turns according to the circumstances; 3. Teachers should establish a correct concept; 4. Teachers should pay attention to students' cooperative skills training before cooperative learning; 5. Diverse group reporting, and engage students.

[key words] Primary Mathematics, Cooperative learning, problem, solution

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:合作交往是人的一种基本的需要。学生的合作交往有利于学生整个身心素质的发展,这是合作学习提出的基本哲学依据。马克思主义哲学认为,人是自然性和社会性的统一体,人不可能......
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