
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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【关键词】  政府绩效评估,公民参与,杭州


【Abstract】Indispensable part of citizens to participate in modern government performance evaluation is an important way to promote government performance evaluation scientific and democratic. The Hangzhou government performance evaluation the traditional government performance evaluation of an innovative, "citizen-oriented, performance-oriented" as the main feature, the initial formation evaluation concepts and models suited to the requirements of a set of democratic governance. This project first proposed to study the main intent and importance of citizen participation mechanisms in the Hangzhou Municipal Government Performance Evaluation, and then by describing the course of development of the Hangzhou performance evaluation, a concrete manifestation of the citizens to participate in the performance evaluation of Hangzhou citizens to participate in the performance evaluation of the current situation analysis, on the basis of the analysis of the status quo, to identify the problems of citizen participation mechanisms in the performance evaluation of the Hangzhou Municipal Government and find out the root cause of problems, the last departure from the citizens and the government, as well as social media three angles, in order to improve the Hangzhou Municipal Government performance evaluation mechanism for the ultimate goal of successful practices at home and abroad, put forward a scientific and rational constructive suggestions.

【Key Words】   Government Performance,evaluation,Citizen participation





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本研究以社会转型为大背景,以地方政府绩效评估改革为小背景,拟在国内外对政府绩效评估的研究基础上,通过对杭州市政府绩效评估模式发展历程、现状、存在问题等方面进行重点......
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