
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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【关键词】 网络政治参与,现状,问题,对策,在线问政


【Abstract】With the growing popularity of the Internet, the citizens of democratic consciousness, citizen political participation in the Internet has gradually become an important way of the citizen participation in political life. Based on the comparison of the literature search, the correlation data, based on the previous research, the concept of citizen participation characteristic, form and function, and the research status of the citizen network politics participation in our country, there exist difficulties and the cause of difficulty, and the countermeasure of perfecting our country's civil network political participation on the basis of these studies. In the our country comprehensive network analysis of political participation, in this paper, Qingdao online politics for local governments responded positively to civic and political participation on behalf of the network examples of the positive aspects of the platform and the reference for the local government to resolve the current network in response to the political participation of citizens to provide some suggestions. Study of these to develop our country academic circles in the field of network political participation, is conducive to the construction of service government in China, and promote China's democratic process.

【Key Words】   Network political participation, Status,problems,countermeasures,online in politics




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:综合我国实际情况,研究公民网络政治参与的现状,存在的困境以及原因,并提出对策。其中本文以青岛在线问政为地方政府积极回应公民网络政治参与的代表例子,研究该平台的积极......
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