
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-14
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关键词:居家养老 多元化供给


Abstract: As the population ages to speed up and elderly population scale expansion, the whole society to an ageing population and the ageing population increasing attention. Endowment service has become a serious problem, for solving the serious pension service in our country and effectively raise the old people's quality of life, and the developed countries for reference in the endowment service experience, change the traditional endowment idea, vigorously promote diversity of supply family endowment service model to solve the problems in China's endowment is a suitable way out. This paper to xiangyang community as an example, through to the community and the investigation of the interview, and propose family endowment service in our country some existing problems of, to the city of family endowment the diversity of supply service, and puts forward the development has characteristics of the city in China family endowment service idea.

Key words: Family endowment   Diversification of supply




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:本文以向阳社区为例,通过对社区的调查和访谈,提出现阶段我国居家养老服务存在的一些问题,对城市居家养老服务的多元化供给主体进行研究,并提出发展具有我国特色的城市居家......
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