
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:21克拉 更新时间:2014-10-08
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Abstract: The stigmatization of urban management is a process that urban law enforcement labeled with insulting words. Which makes them believe or believed to have some pejorative property and traits. There are mainly two forms: extrinsic stigmatization and the own stigmatization. There are many factors leading to this phenomenon, such as the imperfect law and regulations, the varied quality of the people. In addition, it also includes the inadequate rewards and punishment system within itself, someone and media’s improper propaganda. Of course, we can’t ignore its certain working conditions and the laggard urban management philosophy. It brings about a lot of negative impacts: increasing the difficulty to the law enforcement, affecting the image-building of the government and disrupting the relations between cadres and masses. What’s more, it also hinder the renewal of the harmonious idea. Faced with this situation, the most important is that our government should try hard at establishing and developing the related policy. Then improve the concept of law enforcement properly and structure of the institutions. At the same time, the stereotyped views should keep always updating. Further, it’s very necessary for government to supervise media to ensure their campaign substantive and authentic.

Key Words:stigma; formation mechanism; solve the stigmatization

上传会员 21克拉 对本文的描述:城管污名化现象的形成,严重影响了城管执法队伍乃至政府的整体形象,不利于城管执法工作的顺利开展,阻碍了城市管理水平的提高。因此,研究城管污名化的表现形式、形成机理并......
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