
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:21克拉 更新时间:2014-10-08
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关键词:地方政府;   公共服务能力;   必要性;   提升路径


Abstract:Under the new historical conditions, the establishment of improving local government public service ability, improve the public service ability of local government is to put forward the new requirements of the government reform and construction in China. This paper expounds the connotation of improving local government public service ability, the problem of local government in providing public services: the government governing idea backwardness, dislocation of government functions, government administrative department of the ruling way rough, stroppy such as serious problems. Local government public service ability to do this, the path of ascension, first the idea of administration, strengthen centered on civil legal system concept; The second shift of government functions; Three to improve the way of administration, to standardize the government behavior to promote the government's ruling ability, etc.

Key Words: Local government, Public service capacity, Necessity, The path

上传会员 21克拉 对本文的描述:标志着我国政府职能的转变和行政管理体制的改革进入了新的阶段。建设提升地方政府公共服务能力是加强中共党执政能力建设的重要任务,对于落实科学发展观和实现经济的可持续发......
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